Programs » Student Need Programs » NAHS English Learners Program

NAHS English Learners Program

The NAHS ELD program is one period taught by Mr. Black and overseen by Bilingual Coordinator Mr. Austin. All levels of proficiency are included in the class which serves five languages -Spanish, Filipino, Armenian, Russian, and Creole/Pidgin (French Based).
Instruction includes lessons and learning tools such as Personal Introduction Presentations, School Scavenger Hunts, Rosetta Stone, Kami, and Read Theory.
Students in the program must meet three requirements to redesignate to English proficient:
1) Pass the ELPAC test
2) Pass the Reading Inventory test
3) Make a "C" or better in the ELD class or their regular English class
The NAHS reclassification rates are one of the highest in Local District Northwest.  In 2018-19, our rate was 53.4%. The District's average is 23.1%.