Voices and Clubs » Clubs for Diverse Identities » Filipino Club

Filipino Club

         Filipino club emphasizes the importance of diversity at our school. The President, Riona Mahawan, and Vice President, Gabriel Francisco, both strive for racial equality. The club not only consists of Filipnx students, but a fair share of other ethnicities that are interested in learning about the Filipino culture. The president and vice-president of the club were raised in Filipino households which motivates them to spread awareness and teach about their culture. Not only do they cultivate the students about Filipino culture, they hold fundraisers and donation drives for the less fortunate in their hometowns. This includes sending second-hand clothes and toys as well as working with the city’s Red Cross. Filipino club aims to educate other ethnicities as much as Filipinx-Americans and support those less fortunate in the Philippines.
Filipino Club meets every Wednesday in Room 427 in Ms. Longman’s room, during nutrition. 
President: Riona Mahawan 
Instagram: @nahspinoyclub
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