Programs » Advisory Academies » Four Academies

Four Academies

Small Learning Communities / Academies 

Northridge Academy has implemented Advisories in order to foster a mentor/support/advocate relationship between adults on our campus and our students to support both academic and personal growth. Each advisory grade level is a part of grade level academies (or SLCs, small learning communities).  Teacher advisors stay with their students for all four years and work with them to develop their graduation portfolio which culminates the senior year.
The 9th Grade Academy is the Bridge Academy to help newcomers explore their future interests. Ms. Duran is the facilitator. Bridging the experiences of middle school with high school expectations.
The other three coincide with three major colleges at CSUN, our partnering university.  They are:
Arts, Media & Communication -10th Grade, Mr. Stewart is the facilitator.
Changing the World through Education (formerly Careers in Education) -11th Grade, Ms. Campoy is the facilitator. The Education Academy sponsors the Banned Book Week activities every year in September.
Health & Human Development -12th Grade, Ms. Goodman is the facilitator.